Saturday, May 15, 2010

Think You Can...

When you think you’re beaten, you are.
When you think you dare not, you don’t.
When you’d like to win, but think you can’t
It is a sure thing that you won’t.

When you think that you’ll lose, you’ve lost;
For out in the world you will find
Success begins with a ones will –
It’s all in the state of mind.

When you think you’re outclassed, you are.
You have got to think BIG to rise;
You have to FEEL sure of yourself
Before you can win a great prize.

Life’s battle does not always go
To the stronger or faster;
But sooner or later the one who wins
Is the one who THINKS he can.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Communicating via Blog

I think the blog has been a great communication tool for this class. I liked that we can communicate outside the classroom in a relaxed setting. It encourages social interaction between students in the class who otherwise would've never known or spoken to each other. It's definitely easier to approach someone in person the next day after you briefly introduced yourself to him/her on their blog. Students can learn about each others thoughts and lives through their blogs and relate to each other more closely that if their contact was limited to the classroom. Also I think it's very interesting to read about other people's thoughts and perspectives on different things. It's quite surprising to find that sometimes other people think so differently from you.

Asides from that I think it's a great way to improve my writing skills. Sometimes I liked to free write here for a few minutes without publishing it. Blogging forces me to think and reflect in order to write, so that what was just an idea in my mind becomes more concrete. It's definitely useful before starting a paper to get rid of the writers block. Of course it also lets me to reflect on the activities we did in class and what I learned from them.

It's a worthwhile component not just specifically for this class but for any other class as well. I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The ABCs of DISC

I got a C-s for the diagnostic test that was conducted in class. I think it's pretty accurate in determining my management "type". "C" in the profile system emphasize on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. I think it describes me very well. I'm really not a risk taker and I like to work in a environment with clearly defined performance expectations. Also I like it when I have the control over a work process and have the opportunity to improve it. I'm definitely very diplomatic with people. It's hard for me to be authoritative in a group setting. The "s" in my result represents my tendency to cooperate with others to carry out a certain task. This also describes me very well. I'm a very patient person and always try to help out those in need. Among my group of friends, I'm also a very good listener.

Sometimes I do wish I'm a "D" type. Those people shape the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results and most leaders falls under this category. I think "D" type people are the ones who brings about immediate change and have this influence over others. They are the hero during a crisis mode where a critical decision needs to be made. I'm not sure people can easily switch between different management types. It's not impossible but it will definitely take a long time for the change to take place. For instance, I'm working on being more authoritative during situations where clear instructions needs to be laid out and personally managing and solving problems. I think it's important to work on the weak areas so to become a great leader.

DISC profile is a very useful tool to determine people's management type so that companies can use it to realize their people's full potential. For example, if you have a "I" type person working for you then in order for this person to be more effective, he/she needs objectivity in decision-making and more appraisals of other. As a company you should provide this person with a environment that includes popularity, social recognition and freedom of expression. It would also explain why in personal interactions, some people won't get along no matter what. Probably a "D" person would not get along with a "C" person. Definitely something to consider.